Sunday, 7 September 2014

Start Somewhere Today

Everyday is good to start, So let's start today.

Everyone love Sunday, so lets make it more lovable with some Sunday Exercise.

  • Start your Sunday with Running. Do some warm up exercises and stretch your body.
    Take your friends along with you for running. 
  • Run for 15 Minutes and take a small break. and again run for 15 Minutes.
  • Do 15 reps of Push ups , Squats and Pull ups.
  • Do Skipping or Jump for 3 Minutes and then take break and then again Skipping/jump for 2 minutes.
  • Now take challenge and do sprint running for 100 meters and then walk for 5 Minutes.
  • Don't over exercise. Go slow and steady.
  • Drink something healthy after your done with exercise.

After your done with exercise you are ready to enjoy the beautiful Sunday. 

Start Today


  1. Its all a gud practise.. Keeping ue body hydrated.. For begginers to avoid cramps.. Tiredness and will keep u boosted and will help go a bit extra mile
